Monday, May 21, 2012

Kiss of a Rose

Many of us recently celebrated Mother's Day and paid tribute to the unique one who gave us life, unconditional love, and/or an abundance of wisdom.

Through the years:

If her rose is still in bloom, pepper her with kisses all the day long.  If your flower is still in bloom, shower her with love all her days long.  Bask in the awesomeness of her beauty.  When her bloom has withered, cherish the fragrance in your heart all your days long.

I have been fortunate enough to have many mothers in my life, but my beloved is here no more.  There isn't a day that passes that I don't think of her.  She was a hell of a lady and could raise as much hell.  She is missed.

There is song by Jennifer Hudson that makes me cry.  It's makes me think of her.

Still Here

You looked at me and saw what I never could see
You made me be more than I thought I could ever be
And when I needed a friend you were always there to lift me up to make me strong

You're not gone your still here
With me all the time
You're still here
When I close my eyes
I still see you
I still feel you
And we'll never be apart
You're still here
Still here in my heart
In my heart

It's because of you I knew how it felt to be loved, Oh?
You made me feel beautiful cause you believed I was
And I will never forget how you touched my life
You made me feel like I belonged
You'll live on

You're still here
With me all the time
You're still here
When I close my eyes
I still see you
I still feel you
And we'll never be apart
You're still here
Still here in my heart
You're my life
You'll be in my life
You'll be part of me
I'll just think of you and you'll be?

Still here
With me all the time, Oh Lord
Still here
When I close my eyes
I feel you
And we'll never never be apart
You're still here
Still here in my heart
In my heart

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Love Don't Live Here Anymore

"I have learned to get up from the table when love is no longer being served."

Why is this such a simple thing do, but yet so crushingly devastating for most of us to do?  Many cling on for dear life to a love that has long passed us by.  Days are gone when your smile catches my presence.  The music has stopped and the dance is over.  We know we must enter the night because daylight is no more.  Let's crusade forward to a love just over the horizons.  Loose the shackles of fear and don't dare look back for true love awaits you on the other side. 

Thanks to my cousin Angelia for this quote. It is my hope that someone presses through their fear and sit down at a table where love is abundant.  

Thursday, May 3, 2012

To Love Somebody

There are certain moments in life that simply take your breath away.  I have been swept away, blown away and completely mesmerized by a performance. I must have rewind and played this incredible performance at least 10 times.   A true majestic moment.  I had to stop in my tracks, take pause and engulf myself in this amazing talent.  If you have ever loved or been loved, you will get on feet and triumph in this unbelievable performance.

To Love Somebody by Joshua Ledet:

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Ooops! I Did It Again

The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them.”
Maya Angelou

Oprah stated that this is one of her favorite quotes by her mentor. My interpretation, "When someone is an asshole the first time, an asshole is what they are."  I was recently speaking with a girlfriend concerning "boy" problems.  In short, she discovered that he had been dishonest and was weighing the direction of the relationship.  My advice is that we are all human beings, flawed, and will make mistakes.  The question is how egregious the offense was to the offendee.  We all have our threshold of tolerance; therefore, we have to set our own boundaries.  But, my question is, why are we so damn mad when, Ooops, I did it again?