Friday, October 25, 2013

Are you... 'Doing It'?

I dream of the day when I'm doing it and as often as I like. A close friend just recently celebrated her 50th birthday and I asked, "What are your aspirations now that you've turned the big 50?  Actually, I asked this question before she turned 50, and I asked again shortly afterwards, her response was the same...I'm already doing it.  My immediate thought was... at least some one is.  She expressed that she was doing things in her life to enhancing her happiness.   I have a couple of years before I reached this milestone, and "I'm already doing it" has prompted me to ask myself, why am I not already doing it? I wish I had a profound reason; but the truth is, I just haven't accomplished or started some of my brilliant ideas. excuses. But...what I do have are some things that I've  learned in my 48 years:

1.  Good friends are just as important as family, red velvet cake and fabulous shoes.
2.  I don't regret things I did when I was younger--but I do regret things I didn't do.  Wait!...make that I don't regret most things.  There was that Mad Dog 20/20 that had me gagging around 13 or 14 years of age. My mother thought that I had eaten too much candy. Ha!
3.  If you want my opinion, I'll be honest.  If you don't want it, don't ask.  I'll only provide it if you're about to do something stupid. There are those rare occasions when I can't resist offering my two cents.  Hey! That's what friends are for. 
4.  I'll no longer stuff my feet into shoes that hurt just because the shoes are gorgeous.  How gorgeous did you say they were?
5.  Okay, maybe I'm not the center of the universe...Today.
6.  Speaking up is way underrated.
7.  I miss my mother everyday.
8.  Everybody is entitled to his or her opinion.  I don't have to agree with it, nor pretend I do.  But their opinion belongs to them and it's not up to me to judge. But, there is good chance I'll talk about it.
9.  If my legs can rock a mini skirt, then I'm wearing one.  OK...make that a mid-skirt.
10.  I no longer take rejection so personally because it's usually more about the other person than about me.
11.  Life is too short not to be doing it.  So, start doing it today!

Check out this new 50 year old diva's celebration.  Hey, her husband turned 50 this year too.  Take a look:

Her birthday celebration!

 His birthday celebration! 

Friday, October 18, 2013

We Fight! We Fight! We Fight!

The wheels of life keep going, going, going.  It's a war of gravity and we are not going down without a fight.  Some women have no problem revealing their age; others, not so much.  I think in many ways the revelation is empowering.   It can speak to how you feel about yourself...physically, emotionally, and mentally. 

In honor of this 59-year-old diva, which has no problem proclaiming her age, a few friends celebrated with a Girl's Night Out at the Four Seasons.  What do you get when six gorgeous '40 plus’ women gather to lounge poolside with a few cocktails? You guest hell of a time.  Champagne all around, delicious cuisine, decadent cake, lots of laughter and a boat load of silly.

Enjoy the view!

Birthday Girl!