Sunday, June 17, 2012

Coming Full Circle

There are countless numbers of definitions of a father.  And, on this Father's Day, It caused me to take pause to consider my definition.  For me, like so many others, my life doesn't fit into the traditional family roles.  My grandparents (paternal) adopted me from the age of six months.  I've always known my biological father.  He lived in Chicago and my grandparents raised me in Mississippi. Oh, there are the all-varying reasons why I landed in the loving hands of my grandparents.  Funny thing, it didn't even seriously dawn on me until my twenties that I didn't grow up with either biological parent.  I don't know the reason it began to trouble me in my twenties.  Perhaps, it was becoming a parent myself.  But time is indeed the great healer.  Today on this Father's Day, I've come full circle. This year, my father and stepmother came to visit me for the first time.  I spent the night at my father's house in Mississippi for the very first time this year.  Two small things that I wasn't confident would have ever happened.  It was truly one of my life's highlight to have my father and stepmother visit my home.  And, it was equally delightful to witness the sheer emotion on my father's face to have my husband and me sleep over at his home. My father and I have forged a new beginning and I hope for many years to grow in this father/daughter relationship.

There is nothing that I would change about my wonderful childhood.  I have fond memories of my paternal grandfather during my early years; until the boys came along.  Afterwards, let's just say he ruled with an iron clad fist.  Oh, but there was a savior not too far in the distance, Uncle Lavern.  Uncle Lavern was like a big brother and father all rolled into one.  Reminiscing of years past, I had an Ah Ha moment.  I realized that an enormous part of my life would be rendered void had it not been for Uncle Lavern. 

What I know for sure is that when you are kid, you don't know that difference between an uncle, brother or father.  You just want someone to love you.  And on this Father's Day, I'm happy that I had Uncle Lavern to love me. 

I hope that you have taken the time to wish Happy Father's Day to all the men in your life.

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