Sunday, April 22, 2012

It's Your Thing

With 50 just over the horizons, I find myself not dreading it entirely; due in part to witnessing a couple of fabulous ladies reach this milestone.  They sure make 50 look dynamic.  However, this doesn't mean that getting older is swell.  It certainly comes with its wonders.  I'm already considering investing in adult diapers. Just recently, I saw a commercial with celebrity Lisa Rinna endorsing Depends.   I'm thinking around 45, gravity is ferocious.  Every body part starts to go south.  Breasts are lying in your lap and your butt is dragging the damn floor.  To try and combat this downward spiral, I call it working up; instead of working out.  There is a need for everything to stand up. This weekend, husband and I attended my sorority sister's Fierce, Fabulous and Fifty celebration. What I most admired is that she did it her way.  There were enlarged photographs that chronicled her life.  Songs were played that she boogied to from early teens to current.  She and her diva girlfriends entertained us with a choreographed danced rendition. Her favorite artist mesmerized us with a full concert.  Yes, the incomparable Michael Jackson impressionist Billy Jeaned and Thrilled us.  The beautiful Karen Dunlap welcomed a tender toss from her husband.  Her radiant smile stamped the night, Celebrating the Life of Karen Dunlap was indeed done her way.

 I'm starting to feel Sexy 50 bubbling up around me. 

 The Fierce, Fabulous and Fifty Karen

Friday, April 13, 2012

Ménage 'a Trois

I'm the type of girl who doesn't shy away from a challenge.  This past weekend, my dear husband propositioned me to participate in a threesome.  He articulated the details of the arrangement and promised a ride on the wild side. He provided detail description of her beauty, charisma, and sex appeal.  Let me warn that it is imperative that the 'third wheel' is a beauty.  However, it is just as imperative that she isn't as beautiful as you are. He delicately pointed out that she is a showstopper when her top is down.  After hearing all arguments in favor of this threesome, I agreed to give this black beauty a test drive.  Easter weekend, we set out on this exploration and the results are phenomenal.  The attention garnered was fascinating; captivating all that witness.  I was delightfully intrigued and overwhelmed by the magnitude of onlookers.  In short, this experience was worth the ride and worth repeating. I literally had to hold on to my hat.  Included are a few photographs for your viewing pleasure.  Don't be jealous - you too can enjoy an Ménage 'a Trois.

Black Beauty:

Friday, April 6, 2012

Sex from the Pulpit

Good intention/Good idea or Good intention/Bad idea, you decide:

A southwest Florida church issued a challenge for its married members: Hanky-panky every day. Relevant Church head pastor Paul Wirth says the 50 percent divorce rate was the catalyst for The 30-Day Sex Challenge."And that's no different for people who attend church," Wirth said. "Sometimes life gets in the way. Our jobs get in the way."
Initially, I thought this pastor must be nuts.  No actually, I said this man is out of his damn mind.  I imagined he and his male comrades sitting around conjuring up ways to encourage and entice the women of their congregation to satisfy their overwhelming sexual appetite.  Obviously, the pastor didn't consult his wife or any other female for that matter, prior to the issuance of the 30-Day Sex Challenge.  If the good pastor had the foresight to have done so, he would have known that Mother Nature pays most women a visit within those 30 days. Normally, I’m more of an optimist (the glass is half full type of girl).  Concerning this challenge, I had to pull myself out of the gutter of pessimism.  I venture to say that most women enjoy a healthy sex life, but a male had to be behind the brains of this 30-Day Sex Challenge.  One of my biggest critiques is the mechanics of the challenge wasn't spelled out.  How was this actually supposed to transpire?  What are the rules of engagement?  Should the wives have a 30- day supply of lingerie and high heels for the daily performance? Will there be adequate foreplay or the old faithful roll over and assume she's ready?  Will the husbands help with the chores and the children to help alleviate the wife's fatigue?  Was romance involved? And if so, were both the initiator? I begin in the gutter of pessimism on this idea and unfortunately I ended there.  My advice to the pastor, next time, consult with a woman. 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Subscription to the Amen Corner

I ask the question, why are many of us vexed when others are in disagreement. Rationally, the realization that we are all unique should be at the forefront of varying opinions.  Irrationally, we crave others to be in lock step with our every viewpoint; exclusively seeking out individuals whose views and opinion are duplicates of our own. Many of us forfeit otherwise fulfilling friendships due to opposing views. I tag this as subscribing to the Amen corner. Albeit, it offers you the warm and fuzzy of the all familiar.  It does not open you up to new challenges.  I affirm that if you aren't occasionally stirring up controversy, you probably aren’t talking about very much. Welcoming the astute oppositions, I strive on passionate debates and dialogue. Differing of views and opinions has the capacity to enlighten and broaden our horizons. Varying opinions lend itself to healthy dialogue, which subsequently offers an opportunity to gain invaluable knowledge and insight. I challenge you to cancel your subscription to the Amen Corner and open yourself up to new challenges.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Yin and Yang

I recently read an article that referenced the importance of yin and yang in one's life.  I researched and found the following:

The ancient Chinese subscribe to a concept called Yin Yang which is a belief that there exist two complementary forces in the universe. One is Yang which represents everything positive or masculine and the other is Yin which is characterized as negative or feminine. One is not better than the other. Instead they are both necessary and a balance of both is highly desirable.
This thinking is different from the duality of most religion where one state overcomes the other e.g. good over evil. In the concept of Yin Yang, too much of either one is bad. The ideal is a balance of both. The hot Saharan desert for example is an example of extreme Yang while the bitter cold Antarctica is extreme Yin. Neither is desirable.

I comprised a few examples of how Yin and Yang balance in a friendship as follows:

1.  The guy you recently went out on a date with haven't contacted you because he probably lost your telephone number, email, Facebook, Twitter, etc. (yang).  The guy hasn't called you back because he's just not that in to you (yin).

2.  Your husband is abusive because he is overwhelmed and stressed at work (yang).  Your husband is a jackass and you best drop him like a hot potato (yin).

3.  Your spouse continuously cheats on you because he/she has a lot on his/her plate and stressed, but he/she still loves you (yang).  Your spouse is cheating on you because he/she is not in love with you anymore and he/she will cheat on you for as long as you are married (yin).

4.  Yes, you gained a few pounds but your clothes still look good on you (yang).  If you don't stop eating and workout, your ass is going to get big as a house (yin).

5.  Your best friend keeps being critical of you because she doesn't realize how it hurts you (yang).  Your girlfriend is jealous and not really your friend (yin).

I agree that too much of either is bad.  In my opinion, Yin Yang is an interesting concept worth exploration.

Information on Yin Yang and Feng Shui: