Sunday, April 1, 2012

Yin and Yang

I recently read an article that referenced the importance of yin and yang in one's life.  I researched and found the following:

The ancient Chinese subscribe to a concept called Yin Yang which is a belief that there exist two complementary forces in the universe. One is Yang which represents everything positive or masculine and the other is Yin which is characterized as negative or feminine. One is not better than the other. Instead they are both necessary and a balance of both is highly desirable.
This thinking is different from the duality of most religion where one state overcomes the other e.g. good over evil. In the concept of Yin Yang, too much of either one is bad. The ideal is a balance of both. The hot Saharan desert for example is an example of extreme Yang while the bitter cold Antarctica is extreme Yin. Neither is desirable.

I comprised a few examples of how Yin and Yang balance in a friendship as follows:

1.  The guy you recently went out on a date with haven't contacted you because he probably lost your telephone number, email, Facebook, Twitter, etc. (yang).  The guy hasn't called you back because he's just not that in to you (yin).

2.  Your husband is abusive because he is overwhelmed and stressed at work (yang).  Your husband is a jackass and you best drop him like a hot potato (yin).

3.  Your spouse continuously cheats on you because he/she has a lot on his/her plate and stressed, but he/she still loves you (yang).  Your spouse is cheating on you because he/she is not in love with you anymore and he/she will cheat on you for as long as you are married (yin).

4.  Yes, you gained a few pounds but your clothes still look good on you (yang).  If you don't stop eating and workout, your ass is going to get big as a house (yin).

5.  Your best friend keeps being critical of you because she doesn't realize how it hurts you (yang).  Your girlfriend is jealous and not really your friend (yin).

I agree that too much of either is bad.  In my opinion, Yin Yang is an interesting concept worth exploration.

Information on Yin Yang and Feng Shui:

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