Friday, April 6, 2012

Sex from the Pulpit

Good intention/Good idea or Good intention/Bad idea, you decide:

A southwest Florida church issued a challenge for its married members: Hanky-panky every day. Relevant Church head pastor Paul Wirth says the 50 percent divorce rate was the catalyst for The 30-Day Sex Challenge."And that's no different for people who attend church," Wirth said. "Sometimes life gets in the way. Our jobs get in the way."
Initially, I thought this pastor must be nuts.  No actually, I said this man is out of his damn mind.  I imagined he and his male comrades sitting around conjuring up ways to encourage and entice the women of their congregation to satisfy their overwhelming sexual appetite.  Obviously, the pastor didn't consult his wife or any other female for that matter, prior to the issuance of the 30-Day Sex Challenge.  If the good pastor had the foresight to have done so, he would have known that Mother Nature pays most women a visit within those 30 days. Normally, I’m more of an optimist (the glass is half full type of girl).  Concerning this challenge, I had to pull myself out of the gutter of pessimism.  I venture to say that most women enjoy a healthy sex life, but a male had to be behind the brains of this 30-Day Sex Challenge.  One of my biggest critiques is the mechanics of the challenge wasn't spelled out.  How was this actually supposed to transpire?  What are the rules of engagement?  Should the wives have a 30- day supply of lingerie and high heels for the daily performance? Will there be adequate foreplay or the old faithful roll over and assume she's ready?  Will the husbands help with the chores and the children to help alleviate the wife's fatigue?  Was romance involved? And if so, were both the initiator? I begin in the gutter of pessimism on this idea and unfortunately I ended there.  My advice to the pastor, next time, consult with a woman. 

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