Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Catch A Fire!

This past weekend I participated in my sorority's Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Regional Conference in Houston, TX.  In the midst of a sea of pink and green were beautiful dedicated women who work tirelessly to service all mankind.  Globally, my very own chapter made hundreds of dresses for girls in Africa as a part of our global poverty initiative.  In what was appropriately title, 'Little Dresses 4 Africa' begin at the chapter level but quickly caught the attention and enthusiasm of many others (schools, churches, Girl Scouts, other organizations, etc.).  The dresses were made out of pillow cases and will undoubtedly be the only dress for many little girls in Africa. This initiative caught fire and skyrocketed to include underpants and little purses.  The limitless goals that can be conquered if we rally together to promote positive change.  Locally, it reminded me of the Trayvon Martin (17 year old who was shot by a self appointed neighborhood security guard) case.  Had it not been for the world's demand for justice, the case most likely would have never been investigated.  President Obama stated that if he had a son he would look like Trayvon. Regardless the resolution, this case demanded an investigation.  We should all be reminded that if we stand together some of the world's most pressing injustices can be extinguished.  Amazing things have and can happen when we 'Catch A Fire'!  Start one today.

Little Dress 4 Africa display at Regional Conference:

 Sorority sisters at Regional Conference:

A close friend asked that I include this in this posting:

…But for the Grace of God…
Whether we want to admit it or not, Trayvon Martin could have been my son or your son.  His killing is a painful reminder that life, as an African American male, is still seen as a stereotype and profiled as a threat to this society.  This has lead to a beautiful, innocent child being murdered.  This case has captured the attention of so many people mainly because of the injustice of it all, but also because Black media drove this story and forced mainstream media to also report on it.  It has galvanized African Americans to pull together and demand justice like I have never witnessed before.  While it is important to continue to rally and demand justice for the killing of Trayvon, let’s also remember to pray for his family and friends as they go through the grieving process.  My heart bleeds for this family.  Yet, I am painfully reminded that…but for the grace of God…
R. Golden

Link to Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. on  Facebook:

Link to Little Dresses for Africa:

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