Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Vous avez beaux yeau!

If you say my eyes are beautiful" is a jewel performed by Whitney Houston and Jermaine Jackson.  The lyrics go on to say, "If you say my eyes are beautiful, it's because they are looking at you and my eyes are just a window of my feelings to come true." Wow! The Power of the eyes reveals our inner most feelings.  They tell our stories of love, hope, hurt, pain, sorry and despair.  Utter not a word; the eyes paint a Picasso of the hopes and desires of our heart. They can dance "I love you" for the one who holds our heart.  They can beacon romance.  They can beg forgiveness.  They can say, "I'm hurting.  I stand in awe at one of our greatest gifts that hold the secrets of the soul. I go forth with a renewed appreciation of my expression through sight with the consciousness of positive energy guiding my vision.  It is my wish that all use this vessel as a cherished vehicle of expression and to keep a watchful eye into the souls of your most loved - the eyes are EVER speaking.  

Lyrics to "If you say my eyes are beautiful":

**Vous avez beaux yeau! (French for: "You have beautiful eyes")

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Choosing Happy!

I identify myself in the spiritual realm; opposed to the religious.  However, I have exponential zeal for the religious scholars I'm surrounded by. Embracing individual uniqueness oftentimes requires casting a wider net of tolerance.  I remain humbled by my inner circle of friends and family who hold steadfast to their truths; but have the courage, mindset, and desire to embrace individuality.  In a society where it's easy to ostracize one based on ignorance and fear, I stay encouraged by courageous people. 

Troubles don’t last always.  I will not breathe life into pain, suffering and despair.  They do not deserve my nurturing and expending my joy.  I will not be heartache's assistant.  I will exhaust my energy moving triumphantly in the pursuit of happiness.  When wisps of trouble rear its ugly head, I will strive to remain steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the spirit of love.  I choose happy.  I choose happy

**When you live your truth, you are empowered to live boldly and triumphantly.  Live your truth!

 *Here is a link to my sister's website who is a minister in Chicago, IL: 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Rising Up

Today, I was drawn to Valentine's photographs of two years ago.  I sent out an Evite to my couple friends to celebrate Valentine' Day called 'Bowl-for-Love.' In hopes of being unpredictable, I surmised that a few couple friends celebrating relationship and love by going bowling would do the trick.  About six couples met at 300 Dallas and enjoyed in food, fun, laughter and celebration of love.  Stealing from Forest Gump, life really is like a box of chocolates.  You truly never know what you're going to get, moment-by-moment.  Wisdom, the great teacher, is reminding me of the EVER importance of family and authentic friendship. If I were being honest, I would have to admit that I haven't lived an authentic life.  I have sporadically tried to conform to whom society, friends and family wanted me to be. Though it may have made them more tolerant of me, it dulled my shine; thereby, threatening to steal away my little slice of sunshine.

I was recently reminded of Maya Angelo's poem, Still I Rise.  I, like many of you, have recited this gem over the years.  What a beautifully written poem about continuously rising victoriously in spite of life's burdens, and the spoken and unspoken venom from villainous observers? Because of spirituality, family, and friends, I, too, have continuously risen from dark places.  It is my hope to continue on life's journey clinging to the mystery of all things that make me whole and rise victoriously. 

Still I Rise

By Maya Angelou

You may write me down in history   
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt   
But still, like dust, I'll rise.

Does my sassiness upset you?
Why are you beset with gloom?   
’Cause I walk like I've got oil wells   
Pumping in my living room.

Just like moons and like suns,   
With the certainty of tides,   
Just like hopes springing high,   
Still I'll rise.

Did you want to see me broken?   
Bowed head and lowered eyes?   
Shoulders falling down like teardrops,   
Weakened by my soulful cries?

Does my haughtiness offend you?   
Don't you take it awful hard
’Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines   
Diggin’ in my own backyard.

You may shoot me with your words,   
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I’ll rise.

Does my sexiness upset you?
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I've got diamonds   
At the meeting of my thighs?

Out of the huts of history’s shame
I rise
Up from a past that’s rooted in pain
I rise
I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide,   
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.

Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,   
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.   
I rise
I rise   
I rise.

Photographs from Bowl-for-Love:

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Memories of Xmas Past

This past Xmas was our first year in our new home and I just love, love, love Xmas.  Did I say I love Xmas... I love Xmas.  So, I was ecstatic about sharing my favorite time of the year with my fabulous friends.  I nearly drove Gene insane; along with a few very close friends.  This holiday just makes me giddy.  It reminds me of growing up in Mississippi when everyone appeared to be at his or her happiest.  My two cousins and I would visit my Uncle Lavern's house and he would play the oldest but goodies. You know Al Green, The Staples Singers and Smokey Robinson, etc.  I think Al Green is his favorite... Love and Happiness. He and his wife, Mary, would let loose and let the goodtimes roll.  We would laugh and dance like no tomorrow.  Oh! They were Happy Days.  I think I was on such an emotional high Xmas 2011 that Gene and two of my best friends didn't know if I had taken too much medication or not (I just wanted everyone to have a great time; which resulted in my nutty behavior). It was truly a joyous and splendid evening shared with wonderful friends.  We played the 'Newlywed Game' and did the Dirty Santa gift exchange.  It was an adult’s only party, sooo... Santa could have been quite Dirty.  It definitely made for tons of fun and joking. You know there is no party without good food and good drinks.  Most of us settled on Apple Martinis.  My dear friend, Kourtney, made a special cake and Gail made her famous potato pie.  Nuttingbundt Cake has to have the BEST red velvet cake.  Oh my, every morsel was delicious.

Xmas 2011 at the Horace’s:    

  Here are the questions for the Newlywed Game:


Questions for men:

1.     What is your sweetie’s favorite flower? 
2.     What is your sweetie’s pet name for you? 
3.     Which of the two of you say, “I love you” more often?
4.     Where did you first kiss your sweetie? 
5.     When it comes to romance, would you describe your sweetie as
a)    A swing from the chandelier kinda of girl
b)   A gotta a headache kinda of girl
6.     Are out of your freaking mind kinda of girl 
7.     When it comes to whoopee, would your sweetie say that you are an appetizer, entree, or full coarse meal?
8.     Who would you say is the final decision maker, you or your sweetie?  
Questions for women:
1.  What is your partner’s pet name for you? 
2.  What percentage of the housework does your partner do?
a) Superman, all of it, I treat my wife like the princess she is
b) Almost none of it, my wife just thinks she’s a princess
c) What the hell is housework?   

3. What celebrity would your partner pay for a lap dance?  
4.  When was the last time you and your partner had a long passionate kiss?
     a) This week
     b) This month
     c) This year
     d) Hell, I can’t remember 
5.  When it comes to listening, would you say your partner
 a) Listens well
 b) Has some understanding of the English language
 c) Just got off the boat from Timbuktu
6.  When it comes to making whoopee, would you say your partner likes to get down
a) Seven out seven days
b) Three out seven days
c) Zero out of seven days  
7.) When it comes to making whoopee, and he’s ordering a hamburger, is he a meat and cheese only kind of guy or does he order the works?  

How many of these questions would you and your sweetie get right? I'm responsible for these outrageous questions and I did have to take a little heat for creating them (all for love). The game definitely sparkled discussion, debate, and reminiscence of times past.   


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Friendship you can believe in

October of last year, I celebrated my 46th birthday with five of my special couple friends, along with the hubby.  We gathered for a delicious brunch at Q de Cheval Restaurant in the intercontinental Hotel.  The varieties of foods were wonderful.  There is always celebration when wonderful friends gather in love and in the spirit of giving and sharing.  Initially, I was expecting to celebrate with four couples because my wonderful girlfriend, Ruth, had planned to be out of town.  So, it was the climax of the evening when I turned around and there she was in the buffet line beside me.  What a splendid surprise.  Friendship is Most important to me and a tremendous portion of my life is center around it.  Friendship is the wheels that keep my life turning even when I’m not.    And the best part, they are classy, sassy and almost as fabulous as I am… ALMOST!

**I’m told by reliable sources that the Intercontinental Hotel has absolutely the best Mother’s Day Brunch.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Joy of Indulgence

On yesterday, my dear friend and I escaped into a world of pure tranquility, leaving all our worries behind.  Nordstrom Spa was the vehicle into this magnificent state of peace and calmness.  My husband is responsible for this trip to ultimate relaxation as this was part of my Christmas present.  I had the pleasure of experiencing Nordstrom Spa once before with the same dear friend and had such an amazing time; I was in total shock (as seen in the above photo) when I realized that my gift to Nordstrom Spa was not only for one massage session but for the entire works.  We had promised NOT to exchange gifts this past Xmas; which is another reason I was blown away with the most thoughtful gift.  Spending this spa day with my dear friend, Velena, made this experience AWESOME.  I have amazing friends.  They are all unique and special to me, truly the sources of my inspiration.... wine drinking, gossiping, shopping, laughing, crying.  You know...all things FRIEND.  Be thankful if you have just one. 

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Romance in the Air

Ten couples celebrated Valentine's Day last night at my neighbor and one of my best girlfriend's (Stephanie) house.  Gene and I were greeted to a romantic setting and beautiful smiling couples.  Yes, romance was in the air.  The ambiance was captivating; music sensuous, wine smooth, food scrumptious, laughter infectious, and the sweet joy of the night intoxicating. 

III Dimensional Catering And Design created an unforgettable night.  The tables were beautifully adorned with black tablecloths and red accents on the tables to punctuate the "passion" that Valentine is sure to evoke.  It was the consensus that the 'double chocolate cake dipped in strawberry sauce' took home the Oscar of cakes.  The girls insist that it is an aphrodisiac and the guys are trying to figure out how to bottle it up.  We didn't say it was better THAN sex, but didn't say it wasn't either.  Hey, I suggest that you just get yourself some.   You decide if I'm talking about the CAKE!

**III Dimensional Catering And Design