Thursday, February 23, 2012

Memories of Xmas Past

This past Xmas was our first year in our new home and I just love, love, love Xmas.  Did I say I love Xmas... I love Xmas.  So, I was ecstatic about sharing my favorite time of the year with my fabulous friends.  I nearly drove Gene insane; along with a few very close friends.  This holiday just makes me giddy.  It reminds me of growing up in Mississippi when everyone appeared to be at his or her happiest.  My two cousins and I would visit my Uncle Lavern's house and he would play the oldest but goodies. You know Al Green, The Staples Singers and Smokey Robinson, etc.  I think Al Green is his favorite... Love and Happiness. He and his wife, Mary, would let loose and let the goodtimes roll.  We would laugh and dance like no tomorrow.  Oh! They were Happy Days.  I think I was on such an emotional high Xmas 2011 that Gene and two of my best friends didn't know if I had taken too much medication or not (I just wanted everyone to have a great time; which resulted in my nutty behavior). It was truly a joyous and splendid evening shared with wonderful friends.  We played the 'Newlywed Game' and did the Dirty Santa gift exchange.  It was an adult’s only party, sooo... Santa could have been quite Dirty.  It definitely made for tons of fun and joking. You know there is no party without good food and good drinks.  Most of us settled on Apple Martinis.  My dear friend, Kourtney, made a special cake and Gail made her famous potato pie.  Nuttingbundt Cake has to have the BEST red velvet cake.  Oh my, every morsel was delicious.

Xmas 2011 at the Horace’s:    

  Here are the questions for the Newlywed Game:


Questions for men:

1.     What is your sweetie’s favorite flower? 
2.     What is your sweetie’s pet name for you? 
3.     Which of the two of you say, “I love you” more often?
4.     Where did you first kiss your sweetie? 
5.     When it comes to romance, would you describe your sweetie as
a)    A swing from the chandelier kinda of girl
b)   A gotta a headache kinda of girl
6.     Are out of your freaking mind kinda of girl 
7.     When it comes to whoopee, would your sweetie say that you are an appetizer, entree, or full coarse meal?
8.     Who would you say is the final decision maker, you or your sweetie?  
Questions for women:
1.  What is your partner’s pet name for you? 
2.  What percentage of the housework does your partner do?
a) Superman, all of it, I treat my wife like the princess she is
b) Almost none of it, my wife just thinks she’s a princess
c) What the hell is housework?   

3. What celebrity would your partner pay for a lap dance?  
4.  When was the last time you and your partner had a long passionate kiss?
     a) This week
     b) This month
     c) This year
     d) Hell, I can’t remember 
5.  When it comes to listening, would you say your partner
 a) Listens well
 b) Has some understanding of the English language
 c) Just got off the boat from Timbuktu
6.  When it comes to making whoopee, would you say your partner likes to get down
a) Seven out seven days
b) Three out seven days
c) Zero out of seven days  
7.) When it comes to making whoopee, and he’s ordering a hamburger, is he a meat and cheese only kind of guy or does he order the works?  

How many of these questions would you and your sweetie get right? I'm responsible for these outrageous questions and I did have to take a little heat for creating them (all for love). The game definitely sparkled discussion, debate, and reminiscence of times past.   


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