Monday, March 5, 2012

Noose around your neck

Today, I was reminded we as mere mortals are capable of many misdeeds.  Consciously or unconsciously, we're sometimes the offenders; and others the recipients.  The question is, are we capable of forgiving the offender? Or, how long will that noose of unforgivingness adorn our necks?  I've always considered myself a forgiving soul.  However, there is a BUT. I have discovered in recent years that I can be relentless in having my say when I believe there has been an injustice.  In addition, I have been accused of being brutally honest.  I didn't recognize this in my earlier years.  Therefore, I've done some self-assessment, and I charge each of you to conduct your own self-assessment.  In addition to looking inwardly, I challenged myself to take 'The Narcissistic-Personality-inventory Test', and through my husband's urging I took a glance at my astrological sign.  Well, well, well, to my surprise; initially, the results didn't look too pretty (as a disclaimer I'm not 100% sold on either the test or the astrological review).  Admittedly, there are some recognizable nuggets of truth in both.  What I do know for sure is that I'm a work in progress.  Sometimes, I'm an excellent steward of forgiveness and quite often I fall short.  But what I do know for sure is "To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love, you will receive untold peace and happiness" - author unknown.  Most importantly, the person we are not forgiving is really ourselves.  Gheez, that noose can get pretty darn tight.  I concur that an exercise in forgiveness is good for our souls and our necks.  Forgive someone today, it just may be yourself.  

Just for fun:

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