Thursday, March 8, 2012

Who's your daddy?

Crack, cocaine, prescription drugs, sex, food, jealously, envy, religion, fear, what master are you bowing down to?  Oh you guilty pleasures, why do you deceive?  Release me from your grips of destruction.  Free me from this bondage of self-hatred.   Is your drug of choice preventing you from liberation? Are you doing the same thing over and over, but expecting a different result? It's time to try something new.  What I know for sure is if you don't acknowledge your problems and deal with them head on, your drug will consume you; thus preventing you from living an authentic life.  If you are not being true to yourself, a little part of YOU die each day.  You'll see your reflection in the mirror one day and not recognize yourself.  There are millions of drugs used to self- medicate, hinder, bind us in fear and keep us shackled in mediocrity at best. Prescription drugs, food, sex and religion can be wonderful gifts if used to enlighten and enrich our lives.  Conversely, these gifts can be our stumbling blocks if used as a crutch or excuse to not take action in our lives. It's time to stop sabotaging our lives and take steps towards creating our best life.  Do you realize that we create our own lives?  Yes, we are indeed control of the overwhelming decisions we make in our own lives.  There are very few decisions out of our own control.  Which means, there are few excuses preventing us from living the lives that we desire.  We have the freedom to make our own choices.  STOP; ask yourself who is preventing you from living your authentic life. I vow to strive each day to create the life that I desire by making choices to enhance my life and the others around me to affect positive change. Your daddy won't fix what's ailing you. You ARE what you have been waiting on! 

** Remember that you are who you are and that is good enough. Everyone is supposed to be different; it's what makes you special. There's no one in the world who is exactly like you and that makes you unique and amazing.

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